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follow my heart

美 [ˈfɑːloʊ maɪ hɑːrt]英 [ˈfɒləʊ maɪ hɑːt]
  • 网络追随我心;走钢索的人
follow my heartfollow my heart
  1. Thank you . You 've given me hope that I can follow my heart .


  2. I can follow my heart instead of my head .


  3. They taught me to be strong and follow my heart .


  4. She told me always to follow my heart , not my head .


  5. I need to follow my heart .


  6. I must follow my heart .


  7. Liu , my dream is to follow my heart !


  8. she didn 't tell me to give up on you . Just to follow my heart .


  9. I know that if I follow my heart , it will lead me where I belong .


  10. My parents have always encouraged me to follow my heart and do the things that interest me .


  11. I stay in the present moment as I follow my heart and let abundance flow through every cell in my body .


  12. Confucius says , 'At seventy , I could follow my heart 's desire without overstepping the line ' .


  13. Then you teach me to follow my heart , this is what I believe in , why can 't you see that ?


  14. If I were to follow my heart in these moments , I would give in to despair and all would be darkness .


  15. And I have been trying to push back , to be authentic , to follow my heart , but it can be hard .


  16. Follow my heart and walk my own path . I am confident that one day it will shine as bright as the sun .


  17. Jessica : Well , thanks for your recommendations , but I think I 'll just follow my heart and do what I feel .


  18. Some people * they use their head when they choose a partner . I like to take risks and always follow my heart or perhaps my lust .


  19. This is my third time of standing here , and finally I could follow my heart to achieve an idea that was pregnant with in my mind more than one year ago .


  20. As I continued experimenting with color and form , my desire to paint became so strong that I ultimately gave up teaching and performing music to follow my heart .


  21. No matter how the world misunderstand me , I will always follow my heart , not caring the eyes others see me , for my steps will always not stop for the people unimportant to me , or the scandal .


  22. " I loved it from the outside , " she says . " I tend to follow my passion and my heart . "
